Agentur: gkk Dialog
Wettbewerb | Preis | Preis-Info | Marke/Produkt | Motiv | Kreativpunkte |
BoB Best of Business-to-Business | Bronze | gkk Dialog Group | "Die gkk T-Shirt Credential: Kleider machen Neugeschäft" | 4 | |
BoB Best of Business-to-Business | Bronze | gkk Dialog Group | "Die gkk T-Shirt Credential: Kleider machen Neugeschäft" | 4 | |
BoB Best of Business-to-Business | Silber | Lufthansa / Lufthansa Cargo | "#sofastsogood" | 8 | |
BoB Best of Business-to-Business | Silber | Lufthansa / Lufthansa Cargo | "#sofastsogood" | 8 | |
BoB Best of Business-to-Business | Bronze | Lufthansa / Lufthansa Cargo | "#sofastsogood" | 4 | |
ddp - Deutscher Dialogmarketing Preis | Bronze | gkk Dialog Group | "Die gkk-T-Shirt Credential: Kleider machen Neugeschäft" | 4 | |
Summe der Kreativpunkte: 32 |